New CD
New CD I am excited to announce that my new CD ‘New Beginnings – What a Wonderful World’ will be available to buy from 31st July
Ladies Night
For the past fourteen years I have been performing once a year for the lovely ladies of Porlock near Minehead in Somerset. Originally the plan
Things moving forward
Very pleased that the new website is up and running. All the feedback so far has been very positive so a big thank you to
Wedding Singer Article
Having worked in the wedding industry for around eighteen years, I have been fortunate enough to provide entertainment for weddings across the South West at

Simon Rees New Website
Hello again! Well it is time for me to upgrade my website so I have enlisted the help of my friend Aladdin Gulec from FX

Simon Rees New CD
Hi everyone, well I’ve finally been in the recording studio to work on my new album. I travelled to Plymouth to record with John Carter